👋 Hi, TULA Parent!

Thank you for choosing TULA as your partner in your child’s growth.

This section will help you understand TULA more and guide you as a TULA parent. We have provided answers to the most important and common questions that parents ask us. But if you need further help or have more questions, feel free to chat with us on our Facebook page!



We provide a holistic and thoughtfully curated curriculum for your child that focuses on developing their least mastered character traits, mindsets, life skills, and even academic subject topics to help them catch up in school or get ahead. Our comprehensive CASK program covers the critical elements of Character, Attitude, Skills, and Knowledge that will prepare your child for a happy, meaningful future. This includes practical math and critical thinking, English communications and social skills, and other skills relevant to 21st century life. This also includes optimism, confidence, discipline and self-control, curiosity, and grit and resilience. Every learner’s path will be customized to their starting point and needs.


We have carefully designed learning experiences to help your child grow and learn in the best, most enjoyable way. These experiences consist of academic boosters to help your kids get them ahead in school and life skills missions to help them build stronger character. We call them learning experiences because they are not lessons where we tell learners the answer, they are experiences where learners grow by taking risks, making mistakes and exploring and working through challenges. Our classes are filled with interesting games, experiments, crafts, and explorations geared towards getting our learners excited about learning and growing as individuals and, at the same time, working together as part of a team.


We have a wonderfully diverse team of passionate educators - high achievers to serve as good role models and guides to our learners. TULA learning coaches are carefully picked from only the best universities in the Philippines and abroad. They are all intensely trained to ensure they are up to date with the most effective teaching practices used in developed countries such as the USA, UK, and Australia. Each coach will handle no more than 5 learners in our group sessions to ensure that your child gets ample guidance. 


We provide a great support system for parents through our TULA Online Learning community. We make sure that classes are easy to prepare for and maximize what you already have at home. Our TULA representatives are also eager to help you throughout every step of your child’s TULA journey - just reach out to us through our communication channels, which are listed below!


We provide targeted feedback every two quarters through our TULA Report Cards. We will be releasing TULA report cards after two quarters or programs attended to ensure that our learning coaches are able to properly observe and assess your child's development as they step through our unique learning experiences.

We are also working on additions to our report card structure that will give you better insight into their development at TULA vis-a-vis our CASK curriculum. This not only includes comprehensive feedback on their character and attitude development, but also on the development of 3 key skills - critical thinking, social, and organization - and their mastery of knowledge from both Academic Booster and Life Skills Club missions.


💭 Life Skills Club

👉 TEAM GAME (10 mins)

Learners play a game to build relationships with their classmates and foster a sense of community within their online classroom.

👉 THEORY (25 mins)

Learners explore the topic through visible thinking routines where they develop their critical thinking skills. The learners also learn from each other through fun, collaborative learning techniques.

👉 PRACTICE (25 mins)

Learners practice the appropriate character trait and attitude by applying what they learned through online workbooks.

📚 Academic BoosterS

👉 EXPLORE (5 mins)

Learners are introduced to the day’s topic through a fun, gamified Math or English activity.

👉 THEORY (35 mins)

The topic is taught through a gradual release of responsibility framework, where coaches first watch their coach demonstrate the topic, before practicing together, and finally, working independently. Each step of the way, coach is checking on each of the learners and adjusting instruction to meet the needs of the class. 

👉 PRACTICE (15 mins)

Learners practice what they learned independently by answering worksheets on their own. Practice time is also an opportunity for them to ask coach any questions they still have about the topic. 


Learning is consolidated through a final exit quiz, and learners are given the opportunity to pause to reflect on their own confidence level with the topic.

📝 Personal Tutorials

👉 CHECK-IN (3 mins)

Coach gives the learner a rundown of the agenda for the day. Each subtopic under the main review topic is rephrased into a question for easier retention. Based on these questions, coach asks the learner to rate the topic in terms of their level of confidence and understanding.

👉 REVIEW (50 mins)

Coach goes through each subtopic question utilizing the Gradual Release of Responsibility Framework. This begins with coach explaining and demonstrating the steps or theory, followed by the coach stepping through the process together with the learner, and lastly, getting the learner to practice on their own through carefully curated problem sets on shared Google documents, under their coach’s continued guidance. In this manner, we are able to pinpoint and focus on the areas where the learner struggles in the most.

👉 BRAIN BREAK (2 mins)

Coach gives the learner a necessity break in the form of a mindfulness exercise or fun icebreaker game.

👉 CHECK-OUT (3 mins)

At the end of the session, coach asks the learner to give another self-rating to gauge their confidence level after the intervention. Coach then gives them quick feedback on their performance in class, calling to attention and celebrating any good study habits formed, before clarifying what topics will be covered next meeting.


After the class, the learner will have access to the topic handout created by their coach along with practice problems and worksheets through their TULA Gdrive folder.



For everything your child needs to prepare for their class each week

Subj: TULA Digest


This email will contain everything that your child will need to prepare for each week of a quarterly program, such as:

📌Topics for the quarter

📌Class schedule

📌Links to Zoom and/ or Google Meet classrooms

📌For Academic Boosters: Links to extra resources

📌For Life Skills Club: Links to the mission primer and other reminders

We recommend starring ⭐️ this email and checking it at the start of every week.


For important and urgent concerns and announcements



Main channel for all formal communications. Best used for any non-urgent but important concerns such as scheduling, payments, topics, and other questions about your child's class. You may expect a reply from our team within 48 hours.


📱 0921 210 0759 (Coach Brian)

Main channels for highly urgent and important concerns - you may expect a reply from our team within the hour.


👤 TULA Learning (Coach account)

Note: You may add us through this Facebook account

Our working hours are from Monday to Friday 10 am to 7 pm and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. You may still send us messages beyond our working hours, but we will reply to you when we resume our operations on the next day.


The materials and preparation needed can be found in the Quarterly Digest Email. While some materials may change weekly, the following should be prepared for every session:

🔲 Access to a stable internet connection

🔲 Access to a webcam and microphone

🔲 Desktop Computer, Laptop, or Tablet downloaded with Zoom

🔲 Notebook

🔲 Pen, pencil, and eraser

🔲 Gmail account to access Google Slides and Google docs

For Life Skills Club - materials as indicated by the primer

For Junior Levels - mini whiteboard, whiteboard marker, and coloring materials

For Personal Tutorials - school resources

What can I expect from the coaches?

Because you’ve placed your trust in TULA, we, in turn, commit to being the best team for your child. We extend to you our support in the following ways:

  • We will respect every adult and child regardless of their background or situation.

  • We will commit to delivering an excellent learning experience every single session.

  • We will stay up-to-date with the latest and most advanced educational approaches to help your child grow.

  • We will look out for the best interest of your child, and always encourage them to do their best.

  • We will protect our learners from anything that may impede their learning online while inside our online classroom.

  • We will make ourselves available for consultation to both parents and learners during operational hours.

  • We will always listen to feedback and respond as best we can.


Act responsibly and respect everyone. We don’t have an explicit book of rules, but we want TULA to be a successful learning experience for everyone. Therefore, we ask all learners to show respect in the following ways:

  1. Respect people. Be polite to other people and be understanding towards everyone.

  2. Respect authority. Listen to your coaches, and follow their instructions.

  3. Respect our class time. Follow the schedule. Try to be inside the classroom link 5 minutes before the class starts!

 HOW can I make my next payment?

Please remember that you can pay through installments, but you must pay in advance of your child’s first session of the week or month. Think of it in the same way you think about prepaid load. There are no late fees, but you must have “load” in order for your child to attend their sessions.



Account Name: JF Learn Anything, Inc.

Account Number: 1421001169


Account Name: Elisa Andrea Z.

Account Number: 09084451315


Account Name: Elisa Andrea Montinola

Account Number: 09084451315

Pera Padala

Account Name: Elisa Andrea P. Montinola

Contact Number: 09084451315

send us YOUR payment confirmation on facebook OR VIBER.


Can we change class schedules?

If your child needs to change their schedule because of any sudden changes in their schedule or any other valid reason, you may switch schedules ONLY if TULA is informed at least 2 days before their original class schedule and if there are other slots available.

How late can a learner be for class?

Our standard window time for classes is 15 minutes. Coaches will not admit learners strictly 15 minutes after the scheduled time in compliance with our safety policy and to ensure that we are able to uphold the quality of our learning experiences for all learners present. If your child attempts to enter the class beyond 15 minutes of the scheduled time WITHOUT prior notice, they will not be allowed to enter and, instead, receive an asynchronous packet from us after the class.

If a learner misses a class, can they receive a make-up class?

If your child misses a class, they will be given supplementary materials to help them catch up. TULA will ONLY offer a makeup class for: (1) cases of a natural disaster or (2) emergencies and unavoidable school and/or event conflict. During any unavoidable school or event conflict, TULA will only grant a makeup class if the Customer Service team is given at least 1- day notice prior to missing the schedule. Make-up classes must be done within the same week of the absence and will be subject to the TULA coaches’ availability.

When will classes be cancelled?

Sessions will only be canceled in cases of (1) natural disasters such as tropical storms, earthquakes, and/ or volcanic eruptions and (2) most main public holidays where the local government cancels work in government offices. You may expect emergency and urgent announcements through our TULA Online Viber Group. For official holidays and TULA cancellations, we will always have make-up classes during the break week.

Can I get a refund?

You can pull out your child at any time, but you will not be entitled to a refund, as we already made a significant investment in preparing for your child. However, in some cases, your remaining paid, unused sessions may be carried over as credit that you can use for the next program, depending on the circumstances and only if coordinated properly before the absences.

For Personal Tutorials - How much can be covered in a session?

We can accommodate 1 subject and topic per session. Kindly specify the exact topic/s that should be taken during the week as we do not accept vague topic requests. (Ex. Weekly Topic for March 2: Filipino - Mga Bahagi ng Balita)

For Personal Tutorials - How will I coordinate what my child specifically needs help with?

A one-on-one learner/parent must submit the subject and specific topic to be reviewed, along with all school reference materials, to TULA at least 1 week before their next session. The last day we can accept your child’s weekly topic is Saturday at 5 pm the week before your child's next session. Failure to send the one-on-one topics on time may result in a TULA Coach choosing the topic that the learner will take up for that day. This is to make sure that each coach has enough time to thoroughly prepare for these sessions to ensure your child receives the right amount of guidance. Kindly note that each Weekly Topic is subject to approval as well to ensure that we can teach it properly.

Parents and Learners must coordinate with each other to share the topic the learner will be taking up for the following week. This weekly topic can be sent either during the class’ weekly check out or by email to